Click on the Links Below for Poetry
Four poems in World Literature Today (Fall 2023)​​
“What is Left” Copper Nickel (Spring 2023)
“Winning Poem” Heavy Feather Review (June 2023)
“The Rescue” The Indianapolis Review (Spring 2023)
“How Much Does Poetry Make?” New York Quarterly (Spring 2022)
“Fishing for Trey Platoo” Vox Populi (March 2021)
“Moon in Khmer” carte-blanche (Spring 2019)
Clink on the Links Below for Prose
“On Unholy Melodies: Bunkong Tuon Remembers the Poet Ted Jonathan” Heavy Feather Review (June 2023)
“Joe” Anti-Heroin Chic (Mar 2023)
“Cambodian Man Wandering the Streets of Long Beach” Jellyfish Review (Mar 2019)
“how the cure helped this Cambodian refugee survive America” Luna Luna Magazine (Apr 2018)
“The Old Woman and Her Dog” Atticus Review (Jan 2018)
“On Fathers, Losses, and other Influences” Numéro Cinq (Feb 2013)
“Cambodia: Memory and Desire” The Massachusetts Review (45:3 2004)